He prefers to valet, saw a sign for it, but it was confusing to the point where we drove past the valet into the parking lot. There is another billboard past the turn stating 'Turn Right', but it's behind several traffic light poles, making it hard to notice. There is a billboard before the turn advertising the casino, but doesn't indicate a turn. 4 miles after taking the exit, is the turn to the road the casino is on. If I didn't notice that, we would have passed the exit. About 10 miles later, I see one of those blue signs that shows multiple attractions at the next exit. It specified that Mt Airy was '20 minutes away.' It did NOT specify an exit number. Coming along Route 80 from NJ, we noticed a total of ONE billboard. Today was the first trip to Mt Airy since tables games began. I've been to the Sands four times since table games opened. For what it's worth, I'm gonna compare it to the Sands Bethlahem. I say 'Partial' review because I really didn't intend on making a review, so I didn't really investigate and make notes.